Supported Living

Empower, Enable, Embrace!
We operate several locations throughout England.
Our supported living locations and custom support packages help adults and young people live independently in the community with their own personal tenancies.
We focus on each person’s needs, creating individual care plans with them, their families, and representatives. These plans always prioritise choice and control, aiming to foster independence whenever possible.

You can help someone achieve independence and shape their own future, in the heart of your community!

At the end of the day you get a great sense of achievement and accomplishment knowing that you have made a difference to someone’s life for the better and are helping them work towards their goals.
A Typical Day in Supported Living
Working in a supported living service is an incredibly varied role. Your schedule will be different each day depending on the choices of the people you support – you could be helping with self-care, a trip to the dentist, or you might be recapping on the best way to budget for the week.
Whatever activity is taking place, the most important thing to focus on is communication. We make sure the needs and preferences of the people we support are prioritised at all times. Your job will be to enable their independence whenever possible by actively supporting them to take the lead. Instead of doing it for them you’ll encourage them to do it themselves, and you’ll be there to assist only if needed.
You’ll also support individuals to cook their own meals and be safe in the kitchen environment. Meal planning and cooking together is a fantastic way to help individuals make good food choices and promote healthy living.
You may need to help individuals to take their medication at the correct time and ensure they follow their prescription. You’ll be provided with all the training necessary for you to do this confidently and safely.